
News. Archive 2014-2016

October 1-2, 2016 International Show "Siberian Athens Cup", WCF, KLK "Olympia K", Tomsk. Experts: Dina Smirnova, Russia, St. Petersburg, (AB WCF), Irina Murashova, Russian, Omsk, (AB WCF).

Iskander Sladkoe Pyatnyshko:
Best Neuter both days of the exhibition!
1st place WCF-ring "Tabby"!
1st place WCF-ring Neuter!
Special Show "Aborigen" - Best Neuter!

Vivat Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - 5-th place WCF-ring Neuter! nom.bis.
Ratibor Sibmarina - 3-th place WCF-ring "Tabby", nom.bis.
Gladness Ray Borey - 4-th place WCF-ring "Tabby", nom.bis.

Agata Sladkoe Pyatnyshko:
BEST JUNIOR 1 the first day of the exhibition!
2-nd place WCF-ring junior both days of show!
5-th place WCF-ring "Tabby"!
Best Junior Special Show "Aborigen"!

Litter B... Sladkoe Pyatnyshko:
BEST LITTER the first day of the exhibition!
Best Litter Special Show "Aborigen"!

Boyara Sladkoe Pyatnyshko:
10-th place WCF-ring junior!
Best Baby Special Show "Aborigen"!

Slavitsa Sibmarina:
Best of Best opposite Sex SLH!!!
2-nd place WCF-ring "Tabby"!
BEST ADULT Special Show "Aborigen"!
4-th place WCF-ring!

Photo1, Photo2, Photo3, Photo4.


September 24-25, 2016 Cat Show, Novosibirsk, Club «Kotomir», WCF.
Experts: Mr. Wojciech-Albert Kurkowski (Poland), C.Drozhzhina (Novosibirsk, Russia), R.Netsenko (Russia, Irkutsk), O.Gruzd (Novosibirsk, Russia)
Agata Sladkoe Pyatnyshko was gorgeous! Her results:
Special Show "SLH" - Best junior! (C.Drozhzhina)
Special Show "Aborigen" - Best junior! (O.Gruzd)
NOM. BIS both days of the exhibition and 8th place WCF-ring youngs! (Mr. Wojciech-Albert Kurkowski)
Photo1, Photo2.
Slavitsa Sibmarina - WCF-ring 9th place! (R.Netsenko). Photo1, Photo2

July 21, 2016 Eur.Ch Charovnitza Sladkoe Pyatnyshko gave birth to 6 beautiful kittens - 3 girls and 3 boys! Dad - young Istok Sladkoe Pyatnyshko. Photos of kittens and pedigree will be soon on the page Kittens for you.

July 09, 2016 Eur.Ch WCF & Double Grand Ch TICA Koritza Sladkoe Pyatnyshko gave birth to 4 beautiful kittens - 3 girls and 1 boy! Dad - W.Ch. Ratibor Sibmarina. Photos of kittens and pedigree will be soon on the page Kittens for you.

June 12, 2016 Barnaul, WCF, exhibition «FACTOR B: RUSSIAN GOLD»
Experts: Dina Smirnova, Russia, St. Petersburg (AB WCF), Catherine Drozhzhina, Russia, Novosibirsk (AB WCF).
Agata Sladkoe Pyatnyshko, 4,5 months:
WCF-ring youngs 3rd place!
Nom.bis. Photo1, Photo2.

May 14-15, 2016 Kemerovo, WCF. The exhibition "Murrr May - 2016!"
Judges: Mrs. Olga Abramova (AB WCF) Russia, Moscow and Mrs. Irina Gorinova (AB WCF) Russia, Samara.
Gladness Ray Borey:
WCF-ring youngs - 1st place! judge Mrs. Olga Abramova.
WCF-ring youngs - 2nd place! judge Mrs. Irina Gorinova.
Special Show "Tabby" - Best Junior!
Special Show "LH&SLH" - Best Junior!
Best Junior on the first day exhibition! Photo1, Photo2, Photo3, Photo4.

Arkadiya Sladkoe Pyatnyshko:
WCF-ring youngs - 6th place! judge Mrs. Olga Abramova.
WCF-ring youngs - 5th place! judge Mrs. Irina Gorinova.
Special Show "Aborigen" - Best kitten!
Special Show "Forest" - Best kitten!
Special Show "Tabby" - Best kitten!
Special Show "LH&SLH" - Best kitten and the WINNER of the Special show!
BEST KITTEN on the second day exhibition! Photo1, Photo2, Photo3, Photo4.

February 13-14, 2016 Tomsk, KLK «Freya», WCF. Experts: I. Gorinova (AB WCF, Russia), O. Belyaeva (AB WCF, Russia).
Istok Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - 1st place и 4th place in WCF-ring youngs! Nom.bis. both days of the exhibition! Photo1, Photo2.
Best Junior Special Show "Aborigen Russian"! Photo1, Photo2.

January 31, 2016 From Volgograd to Tomsk came a wonderful kitty rare color, red classic with white, Gladness Ray Borey. This is son of our graduate glorious Lavr Sladkoe Pyatnyshko. I heartily thank the Marina Simkina, breeder cattery «Gladness Ray» for the charming and affectionate child!

January 21, 2016 The interesting couple of Eur.Ch WCF & Ch TICA Lubava Sladkoe Pyatnyshko and Ch. Hristofor Dostoyanie Sibiry gave birth eight(!!!) kittens: 3 boys and 5 girls. Photos of kittens and pedigree will soon be on the page Kittens for you.

January 8-9, 2016 Tomsk, KLK "Olympia K», WCF «Starry masquerade." Experts: Tatyana Chernova (AB WCF, Latvia), Ludmila Gordeeva (AB WCF, Russia), Ekaterina Drozhzhina (SLH, SH, SOSH WCF, Russia).
Istok Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - BEST GENERAL!!! BEST SUPREME!!!
1 place и 3 place WCF ring youngs!
Best Junior Special Show "Aborigen Russian" !
2 place ring LH + SLH!
BEST Junior both days of the exhibition!
Photo1, Photo2.
Slavitsa Sibmarina - Best of Best opposite Sex SLH both days of the exhibition!
WCF-rings – 3th place and 4th place! Special Show - Best opposite Sex Adult!
Armata Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - nom.bis. and 8th place WCF-ring youngs!
Argentina Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - nom.bis and Best kitten in a Special Show!

November 18, 2015 Eur.Ch WCF & Double Grand Ch TICA Koritza Sladkoe Pyatnyshko gave birth to 6 beautiful kittens - 2 girls and 4 boys! Dad - W.Ch. Ratibor Sibmarina. Photos of kittens and pedigree will be soon on the page Kittens for you.

November 16, 2016 Our congratulations to Manul Sladkoe Pyatnyshko and his wonderful owner Marina Serbolova (cattery SIBMARINA) with obtaining of the highest title in the system WCF - World Champion! Certificate.

October 3-4, 2015 Tomsk, KLK "Olympia K", "Cup of the Siberian Athens". Experts: Prof. Massimo Picardello (AB WCF, Italy), Elena Fedorenko (AB WCF, Russia), Tatyana Deulenko (AB WCF, Russia).
Iskander Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - Best neuter the first day of the exhibition!
WCF-ring neuters - Iskander SP winner, 1-st place! Vivat SP took 7-th place! Chardash SP finished 3-rd!
Special Show "Aborigen Russian" (sphynx, Kuril Bobtail and Siberians) - Iskander SP Best neuter! Istok SP Best kitten! Slavica Sibmarina Best adult and Best of Breed!
WCF-ring adult - Slavitsa Sibmarina took 5-th place! Ratibor Sibmarina took 10-th place!
Photo1, Photo2, Photo3.

September 26-27, 2015 World Cat Show, Novosibirsk, «Kotomir», WCF.
Lyubava Sladkoe Pyatnyshko was gorgeous! Her results:
WCF-rings – 4th place! of the 69 participants!!! the judge Ms. Cornelia Hungerecker (Germany).
Special Monobreed show of Siberian cats - Best adult and Best of Breed!!! judge Ms. Olga Mironova (Russia).
Special Show "Forest" - Best opposite Sex Adult! judge Ms. Irina Murashova (Russia).
NOM. BIS both days of the exhibition, judges - Ms. Anna Nazarova (Russia) and Ms. Tatyana Terjoshina (Russia).
In addition, Lyubava Sladkoe Pyatnyshko opened the title of World Champion !!! Photo1.

September 12, 2015 The interesting couple of Eur.Ch Charovnitza Sladkoe Pyatnyshko and W.Ch. Ratibor Sibmarina gave birth to kittens: 1 boy and 2 girls. Photos of kittens and pedigree will soon be on the page Kittens for you.

August 8-9, 2015 The exhibition "Kuzbass Cup - 2015", Kemerovo, WCF.
Lyubava Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - Best of Best opposite Sex SLH both days of the exhibition!
Special Show "Forest" - Best adult and Best of Breed!
Special Show "LH&SLH" - Best adult !
WCF-rings - 10-th and 6-th places.
Special Show "Aborigen" - Best adult opposite Sex!
Vivat Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - Best Neuter both days of the exhibition! Special Show "Forest" - Best neuter!
Special Show "Rare" - Best neuter!
Special Show "Tabby" - Best neuter!
Special Show "LH&SLH" - Best neuter!
Special Show "Aborigen" - Best neuter!
Slavitsa Sibmarina - Best adult and Best of Breed!
WCF-rings - 5-th place.
Photo1, Photo2, Photo3,

June 27-28, 2015 Novosibirsk, KLK "Royal Dynasty", WCF. International Cat Show "Cats and the City"!
Iskander Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - nom.bis, BOS Neuter second day of the exhibition! Best Neuter in the show "Property of Russia!"
Ratibor Sibmarina - nom.bis, Best of Best 2 of the first day of the exhibition, WCF-ring 5th place both days!
Zdrava Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - nom.bis, BOS Neuter in the show "Treasure of Russia!"
Photo1, Photo2, Photo3.

June 14, 2015 Two exhibitions in one day! KLK "FC" KUZBASS CAT ", WCF.
Experts: A. Mironova, P. Rudow, O. Itygina.
Our achievements:
Iskander Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - nom.bis, Best Neuter both days of the show! Best Neuter in "Show of Siberian breed"! WCF-ring neuters 4th place! of 8 participants. Best Neuter in "Show aborigines"!
Lyubava Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - nom.bis, BOS the first day of the exhibition! BOS in "Show of Siberian breed"! BOS in "Show aborigines"!
Ratibor Sibmarina - nom.bis, WCF-ring 5th place!
Slavitsa Sibmarina - nom.bis, Best junior in "Show of Siberian breed"!
Zdrava Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - nom.bis, WCF-ring neuters 5th place! of 8 participants.
Photo1, Photo2, Photo3, Photo4.

May 19, 2015 The interesting couple of Eur.Ch Angelur Shalunya and In.Ch. Chernomor Sibirskoe Ocharovanie gave birth to kittens: 4 boys and 3 girls. Photos of kittens and pedigree will soon be on the page Kittens for you. This is the last litter of our wonderful Shalunya, in August she will go on a deserved vacation.

April 25-26, 2015 Wonderful WCF World Cat Show in Astana, Kazakhstan, CKF «ARKO & K».
Vivat Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - 2nd place in WCF-ring Neuters! Best Neuter in "Forest Show"! Best Neuter both days of the Show !!! He received the title of World Premior!
Ratibor Sibmarina - nom.bis. both days and 5th place in WCF-ring adult! (out of 58 participants!) . He received the title of World Champion! Photo1, Photo2, Photo3.

April 4-5, 2015 Novosibirsk, TICA Club "Filimur", Cat Show "Spring Marathon 2015".
Great news!!! Slavitsa Sibmarina had 6 finals All breed (Kittens)! Photo1, Photo2, Photo3.

February 28 - March 1, 2015 Tomsk, KLK "Olympia K", Exhibition "Stars of Olympus." Experts: Andreas Kretschmer-Kraiczek - Germany, AB WCF; Artem Mineev - Tyumen, AB WCF.
Ratibor Sibmarina - nom.bis, WCF-ring 7th and 4th place!
Vivat Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - nom.bis, WCF-ring neuters 2nd place and 3th place out of 15 participants!
Iskander Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - nom.bis, WCF-ring neuters 4th place out of 15 participants! Best Neuter in Special Breed Show "Forest Show"!
Klim Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - nom.bis, WCF-ring neuters 6th place!
Zdrava Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - nom.bis, WCF-ring neuters 10th place!
Slavitsa Sibmarina - nom.bis!
Charovnitza Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - nom.bis, BOS in Special Breed Show "Forest Show"! WCF-ring 7th place!
Demyan Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - nom.bis, WCF-ring young 10th place!
Dobrava Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - nom.bis, WCF-ring young 6th place! Best Baby in Special Breed Show "Forest Show"! Best op. Sex Baby on the second day exhibition !
Congratulations !!! Photo1, Photo2, Photo3, Photo4, Photo5, Photo6.

January 24, 2015 Kemerovo, KLK "Pearl of Siberia", the MFA. Experts: E.Shevchenko, I.Uhanova, E.Mishanova, P.Rudov.
Slavitsa Sibmarina- Best SLH kitten, Best Kitten-3 of this show !!!
Siberian Monobreed Show - 2-nd place !!! Photo1, Photo2, Photo3.

December 20-21, 2014 Grand show! Siberian Monobreed Exhibition in Moscow " SIBERIAN MIRACLE – 2014". Our cattery was represented by our granddaughter Slavitsa Sibmarina. Our future queen.
Our successes:
BIV in marble colors. Expert - Natalia Belova.
Best Kitten - Slavitsa Sibmarina.
Siberian Monobreed Show, Traditional colors. Expert - Natalia Belova.
Best op. Sex Kitten - Slavitsa Sibmarina.
WCF-Ring kittens and juniors, December 20 2014. Expert - Olga Mironova.
10th place - Slavitsa Sibmarina.
WCF-Ring kittens and juniors, December 21 2014. Expert - Natalia Belova.
10th place - Slavitsa Sibmarina.
BEST IN SHOW December 21 2014, Best op. Sex Kitten - Slavitsa Sibmarina.
According to the results of two days of the exhibition «SIBERIAN MIRACLE – 2014» Slavitsa Sibmarina - BEST KITTEN !!! Photo1, Photo2, Photo3.

December 17, 2014 Six wonderful kittens were born from pair Eur.Ch WCF & Ch. TICA
Lyubava Sladkoe Pyatnyshko
& Ch. Hristofor Dostoyanie Sibiry. Photos and pedigree kittens expect on the page Kittens for you.

October 4-5, 2014 Tomsk, KLK "Olympia K", "Cup Siberian Athens". Experts: Dina Smirnova - St. Petersburg - AB WCF, Inga Balchiuniene - Vilnius, Lithuania - AB WCF, Roman Nicenko - Irkutsk - SLH, SH, SOSH WCF.
Vivat Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - Best Neuter first day of the exhibition! Best Neuter in Forest Show! WCF-ring neuters 4-th place out of 12 participants!
Iskander Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - WCF-ring neuters 6th place!
Klim Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - WCF-ring neuters 8th place!
Zdrava Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - nom.bis. neuter junior both days!
Lyubava Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - Best of Breed in Forest Show! WCF-ring 5th and nom.bis. both days!
Koritza Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - WCF-ring 10 place!
Velika Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - WCF-ring young 6th, nom.bis. both days!
Congrats!!! Photo1, Photo2, Photo3

September 27-28, 2014 Kazakhstan, Petropavlovsk. World Cat Exibition.
Vivat Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - Best Neuter first day, 1-st place in the ring Neuters!
Ratibor Sibmarina - nom.bis! Congratulations to Oksana Melnikova! Photo1, Photo2.

July 5-6, 2014 Novosibirsk, KLK "Kotomir", "Meetings on the Ob '. Experts: Tatyana Chernova (Latvia - Riga), Elena Fedorenko (Russia - Ekaterinburg), E. Drozhzhina (Russia - Novosibirsk)
Olga Gruzd (Russia - Novosibirsk).
Vivat Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - Best Neuter of the first day, the 6-th and 2-nd place in the ring Neuters and Best Neuter Forest Show!
Ratibor Sibmarina - Best of Best IV of the second day of the exhibition, the 5-th place in WCF-ring of the adults!
Congratulations to Oksana Melnikova! Photo1, Photo2.

June 14, 2014 EIGHT! wonderful kittens were born from pair Eur.Ch WCF & Ch. TICA
Lyubava Sladkoe Pyatnyshko
& Emir Sladkoe Pyatnyshko. Photos and pedigree kittens expect on the page Kittens for you.

May 28, 2014 Wonderful kittens were born from pair Eur.Ch Charovnitza Sladkoe Pyatnyshko & W.Ch. Iskander Sladkoe Pyatnyshko. Photos and pedigree kittens are on the page Kittens for you.

May 3-4, 2014 Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan. Experts: S.Volkova, N.Volkov (Ukraine), L. Lewkowicz (Russia, Chelyabinsk).
Vivat Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - Best Neuter of the first day and Best Neuter of the SLH + LH show!
Ratybor Sibmarina - have opened the EuroChampion title with nominations and have taken the 7th and 6th place in adult WCF-rings!
Congratulations to Oksana Melnikova!

April 19-20 2014, Tomsk, KLK "Freya", WCF, "Cats Magic". Experts: O. Mironova (St. Petersburg), Irina Matyushina (Ekaterinburg).
Klim Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - Best Junior of the first day! Best Junior in Forest-Show! 7th and 6th place in junior WCF-rings! Photo1, Photo2.
Ratybor Sibmarina - 5th and 1st place in the WCF-rings! Photo1, Photo2, Photo3.
Chardash Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - 4th place in the Neuters ring, Best Neuter Forest-Show! Photo1, Photo2.
Ursa Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - nom.bis!
Zadora Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - 2nd place in junior WCF-ring, Best Baby in Forest-Show and the Winner of Forest Show! Photo1, Photo2, Photo3.
Congratulations to all the owners!

April 5-6, 2014 Cat- show TICA in Forest Park (Atlanta), GA . Club “Southern SophisTICAts”.
Great news!!! Bogatka Sladkoe Pyatnyshko had 9 finals!
Our congratulations to Patty McCoy (cattery Luna)! Photo.

April 5-6, 2014 Novosibirsk, Russia. TICA Club Filimur, Cat Show "Spring Marathon 2014".
Lyubava Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - 6th place in the Female Congress from Monica Dany (AB, Austria) and 7th place in the final LH from David Nudleman (SP, USA) .
Koritza Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - 10th in the final of All breed from Genevieve Basquine (AB, France) and 10th place in the final LH from David Nudleman (SP, USA). Koritza Sladkoe Pyatnyshko now has title Double Grand Champion TICA!

March 29-30, 2014 France. Two brothers started at the exhibition LE MANS - Krutysh and Klassik Sladkoe Pyatnyshko. And they won this exhibition! They shared the victory equally and brotherly!
Saturday: Klassik Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - Best Variety, Best In Show и BEST OF BEST!!! Photo1, Photo2, Photo3.
Sunday: Krutysh Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - Best Variety, Best In Show и BEST OF BEST!!! Photo1, Photo2, Photo3.
Our congratulations to Cécile Marjollet (cattery Iaromira), owner of these boys!

March 29-30, 2014 Nizhny Novgorod, KLK "Bagheera" held the International Cat Show "Spring Marathon". Our graduate, Veles Sladkoe Pyatnyshko became the absolute winner of this exhibition: 1st place on WCF-ring and BEST OF BEST-I both days! Congratulations to his owner Jana Zimenkova (cattery Siberian Magic)! Photo1, Photo2, Photo3.

March 8-9, 2014 Novosibirsk, FPC «ZOOSTAR», WCF. Experts: O. Abramova, I. Shustrova, E. Drozhzhina, L. Orekhova.
Ratibor Sibmarina closed title Inter Champion, got NomBis. And the best cat in the Forest Show! Photo1, Photo, Photo3.

March 1-2, 2014 Barnaul, Feline Center "Fortuna-cat." Experts: Cornelia Hungerecker (AB WCF, Essen, Gemany), Irina Chernyaeva (AB WCF, Ekaterinburg, Russia), Paul Rudow (LH, SLH WCF, Novosibirsk, Russia)
Ratibor Sibmarina - Best of Best V on the first day of the show! 9th place in WCF ring both days! Best Male and Best Adult in Forest Show!

February 8-9, 2014 "STARS of Olympus" Tomsk, WCF, KLK "Olympia K". Experts: Elena Fedorenko (Yekaterinburg - AB WCF). Larisa Lewkowich (Chelyabinsk - AB WCF), Tatiana Komarova (St. Petersburg - AB WCF).
Klim Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - 10th place in WCF-ring and no. bis. both days! Photo1, Photo2.
Ratibor Sibmarina - 5th place in WCF ring! Best Cat in Forest Show! Photo1, Photo2, Photo3.

January 26, 2014 Wonderful kittens were born from pair Eur.Ch Angelur Shalunya & In.Ch. Chernomor Sibirskoe Ocharovanie. Photos and pedigree kittens expect on the page Kittens for you.

January 14, 2014 Wonderful kittens were born from pair Eur.Ch WCF & Ch TICA Koritza Sladkoe Pyatnyshko & In.Ch. Hristofor Dostoyanie Sibiry. These kittens are reserved.