News. Archive 2005-2009
December 15, 2009 WCh Tsvetana Sladkoe Pyatnyshko bore remarkable kittens: two boys and two girls. Pope kittens – InCh Chernomor Sibirskoe Ocharovanie.
November 14-15, 2009 In Tomsk has passed the International exhibition of cats «Magic of cats. Autumn charms», organised by club "Freyja". Experts WCF - O. Mironova, T. Yemelyanova.
Angelur Shalunja - the Best of Breed in monobreed show of Siberians, 1 place in a WCF-ring, «Best of Best III» in the first day of an exhibition, «Best of Best II» in the second day!!! Photo1, Photo2, Photo3.
Charovnitza Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - the Best kitten in monobreed show, a nomination on Best both day, 3 place in a WCF-ring of young cats!!! Photo1, Photo2, Photo3.
Iskander Sladkoe Pyatnyshko (the owner O. Melnikova) - 7 place in in a WCF-ring of young, a nomination on Best both day!!! Photo1, Photo2.
September 26-27, 2009 In Petrozavodsk (Karelia) on the international exhibition organized by the club "AURINKO", Ideal Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - Best Junior of the first day of the exhibition, a nomination for the second day and 2-nd place in the WCF-ring of youngs! Congratulations! Photo1, Photo2.
September 26-27, 2009 In Novosibirsk was the International exhibition of cats "KOTOMIR SHOW 2009", organized by the club "Kotomir”.
Litter "Ch ... Sladkoe Pyatnyshko " - Nominations for BIS in both days, of expert A. Savin and E. Fedorenko, but lost by drawing lots. Photo1, Photo2.
Istoma Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - Nomination for BEST! Photo1, Photo2.
Iskander Sladkoe Pyatnyshko – 6-th place in a WCF-ring of youngs! Photo1, Photo2.
Congratulations to the owners and wish them new success!
September 14, 2009 Congratulations Pereslav Sladkoe Pyatnyshko and his owner Irina Pasynkova!!!
Pereslav was the BEST Kitten of MFA in season 2008 - 2009 <Link>
July 25, 2009 In Novosibirsk, has passed the international exhibition of cats «Asia. Summer. Cat. 2009». Congratulations to our «graduate» Iskander Sladkoe Pyatnyshko and his wonderful owner Oksana Melnikova with 9 th place in the WCF-ring young! Excellent continuation of exhibition career! Photo1.
July 15, 2009 Nrava Sladkoe Pyatnyshko, ns_03, (the owner is Yana Boyko) gave birth to the first litter, 3 girls and 1 boy!!! Dad kittens Dobrynya Dostoyanie Sibiry, n_23. Photos of the kittens can be seen in the section Kittens for you.
June 20-21, 2009 There was the international exhibition of cats «Sodruzhestvo of Siberia-2009» in Novosibirsk. Tzvetana Sladkoe Pyatnyshko, kitten Ideal Sladkoe Pyatnyshko, litter «I... Sladkoe Pyatnyshko» received a nomination for Best in Show from experts O.L. Abramova (Moscow), Ivaras Plepis (Lithuania).
Tzvetana Sladkoe Pyatnyshko won in the group and became the «Best of Best III» exhibition! In the WCF-ring of adult animals she was the 7-th in hard competition! Ideal Sladkoe Pyatnyshko became the 9-th in the WCF-ring of young animals (it has just turned three months)!!! Photo1, Photo2, Photo3, Photo4, Photo5, Photo6.
May 2-3, 2009 In Novosibirsk there has passed the International exhibition of cats « Sibiriada 2009», organised by «Kotomir», experts I.Shustrova (Moscow) and G. Barysheva (Tambov).
Tzvetana Sladkoe Pyatnyshko for this exhibition was the "Best of Best II"!!! In the WCF-ring of adult animals, an expert I. Shustrova, Tzvetana become the 3rd animal of exhibition! Photo1, Photo2.
March 28-29, 2009 In Moscow, there has passed the International exhibition of cats «Moscow Spring 2009», organized by the "Union of Siberian Cats' Fanciers".
Pereslav Sladkoe Pyatnyshko has Best Kitten exhibition! Moreover, Pereslav in WCF-ring of Young, in a huge competition, had become the 6-th. Congratulations to his owner Irina Pasynkova and wish Pereslava new victories! Photo1, Photo2.
March 16, 2009 A couple Angelur Shalunja and Bublik Sladkoe Pyatnysko were born six kittens! Five heroes and one princess!
March 7-8, 2009 in Tomsk, the international exhibition of cats «Magic Cats», organized by the club «Frey». Pava Sladkoe Pyatnyshko received a nomination for Best in Show from the experts D. Smirnova (St. Petersburg) and N. Flegontova (Chelyabinsk). In WCF-ring of young, highly competitive, has become the 5th. Photo1, Photo2, Photo3, Photo4.
February 22-23, 2009 in Barnaul, the international exhibition of cats «The Winter Tale», organized by the club «ELITAKET». Pava Sladkoe Pyatnyshko received a nomination for Best in Show from the experts L. Ovchinnikova (Moscow) and J. Shustrova (Moscow). Became Best kitten in Ring Siberian breed! Photo1, Photo2, Photo3, Photo4.
February 17, 2009 Pereslav Sladkoe Pyatnyshko was again rewarded this weekend! At WCF exhibition with experts I. Sadovnikova and N. Lebedeva, he has become the Best Kitten (for two days). In WCF-ring of young Pereslav has become the 5th. Congratulations!
February 10, 2009 Congratulations to our kitten Pereslav Sladkoe Pyatnyshko and his owner Irina Pasynkova with the successful start of a career! On 7-8 February at the International exhibition of cats in Voronezh in a great competition, he has become the Best Kitten in SLH in 3 months-old! Expert T.S Yemelyanova was conquered by his charisma and beautiful temperament
January 14, 2009 All our kittens has already defined for their future families.
Pereslav Sladkoe Pyatnyshko is preparing to move in February in Voronezh. The brilliant career of a pedigree cat awaits him.
Peresvet Sladkoe Pyatnyshko in February he will become a resident of Novosibirsk. It will be the guardian of this home in the friendly family.
Pava Sladkoe Pyatnyshko flies to Finland in the beginning of March, and now her new mum is Yasmin Samaletdin, a breeder of Siberian cats cattery “Aq–Bars”.
We wish our kittens’ long and happy life!
January, 5-6th 2009 In Novosibirsk there has passed the International exhibition of cats «Grand prix of Siberia», organised by club «Royal Dynasty», experts I.Murashova (Omsk) and I.Matjushinoj (Ekaterinburg).
Our Angelur Shalunja, the youngest cat, became “Best of Best III” at this exhibition! Became the Best animals in a ring of domestic breeds, and also in a WCF-ring of adult animal Shalunja became 4-th animals of an exhibition!
We congratulate to our "graduate" Nrava Sladkoe Pyatnyshko and its remarkable mistress Yana Bojko on the first adult titles and with 9-th place in a WCF-ring! Excellent continuation of exhibition career! Photo1, Photo2, Photo3, Photo4, Photo5.
January 4th, 2009 Pava & Pereslav Sladkoe Pyatnyshko have chosen to itself new home and loving hearts. Peresvet was not defined yet with a new place of residing. If you like our Belolapka, but you live far from Tomsk - do not despair! We have a possibility of delivery with support of a kitten to Moscow.
December 20-21, 2008 In Ekaterinburg there has passed an exhibition on system WCF, organised KLK «ElitCat». Our young Angelur Shalunja has received the first adult estimations. Also it has been nominated on Best in Show by experts G.Koroleva and N.Belova.
October 31, 2008 Tsvetana Sladkoe Pyatnyshko bore remarkable kittens: two boys and one girl. Pope kittens - promising young cat Chernomor Sibirckoe Ocharovanie.
August 16-17, 2008 In Yekaterinburg there has passed the World Cat Show - Asia by WCF, organized by community of felinologs from St. Petersburg, club "Prosto koshki" (Yekaterinburg) and club "Elitar Club" (Penza). On this exhibition there were more then 550 cats. From our cattery there were exposed Tzvetana Sladkoe Pyatnyshko, and in a class of juniors - Angelur Shalunya. Tzvetana was nominated on Best in Show by experts I.Gorinova (Samara) and T.Komarova (St. Petersburg). On the first day she became Best Opposite Sex in the great competition. Shalunya also received nominations from two experts on Best in Show, and also she had got fine estimations. Photo1, Photo2, Photo3, Photo4, Photo5.
July 09, 2008 Tzvetana Sladkoe Pyatnyshko has got the title of The World Champion WCFwith number WCF 037.01r70.08. She became the first siberian female cat World Champion from Ural to Far East.
June 28-29, 2008 In Novosibirsk there has passed the International exhibition of cats "The Man and the Cat ", organized by club “Royal Dynasty". From our cattery there were exposed Tzvetana Sladkoe Pyatnyshko, and in a class of kittens - Nezha Sladkoe Pyatnyshko and Angelur Shalunya. Tzvetana has closed a title of the World Champion on system WCF! Now she in the only Siberian from Urals Mountains up to the Far East having this highest title!!!
Tzvetana has been nominated on the Best in Show by experts N.Lebedevoj (Moscow) and L.Gordeevoj (Ekaterinburg), where she became the Best Opposite Sex! In WCF-ring of Adults with expert Andreas Möbius (Germany), in the great competition, she became the 6-th.
Nezha and Shalunya, both, had received nominations from two experts on Best in Show, and also they had got fine estimations. Moreover, Shalunya in WCF-ring of Young, in a huge competition, had become the 7-th.
June 2nd, 2008 All our kittens had already defined with the future families.
Nasta Sladkoe Pyatnyshko has remained in Tomsk, she has moved to the new home to theremarkable young family of Olya, Michael and their charming daughter Vikusha. Nasta has quickly accustomed and has made friends with the girl. Now they do everything together.
Nrava Sladkoe Pyatnyshko has moved to live to Novosibirsk. She has chosen the young family of Yana and Roma. She has fascinated them. They love and pet her. I hope very much that she will please the owners with fine results at the future exhibitions.
Nezha Sladkoe Pyatnyshko in the end of July will go to Belgium to her new mum Machteld Van Nederkassel, the owner of Siberian cats cattery Bubastis`. The big and united family is already waits her.
May 3-4, 2008 OurTzvetana Sladkoe Pyatnyshko continued her exhibition career as soon as her kittens have become gown-up. She visited the exhibition in Petropavlovsk (Kazakhstan). The Club-organizer is “Sozvesdie Drusey” (Tchelabinsk). She has got the titles CACM in class of World Champions from experts S.Zhigulin (Germany) and E.Fedorenko (Russia). Photo1, Photo2.
May 2-3, 2008 International cat exhibition “SIBIRIADA - 2008”, organized by club “Kotomir”, taked place in Novosibirsk. From our cattery there were Nezha Sladkoe Pyatnyshko, Nrava Sladkoe Pyatnyshko in kitten’s class; Zonusia – in premior’s class and Bublik Sladkoe Pyatnyshko (owner Natalia Yaranzeva) in class GrIntCh. All adult cats had got the titles from experts I.Gorinova and O.Mironova. Also Zonusia had got the BIS nominations from both experts. Moreover, in breeding Siberian Cat’s Show “Gordost Sibiri” she had become The Best Premior and the 3d Best Siberian Cat! Photo1, Photo2.
Nezha Sladkoe Pyatnyshko in breeding Siberian Cat’s Show “Gordost Sibiri” – Best Kitten and the 2nd Best Siberian Cat Photo.
Nrava Sladkoe Pyatnyshko – both day’s nominations on Best! On first day – The Best SLH (similonghair) kitten!!! Also she had become Best Kitten IV of exhibition! Photo.
Bublik Sladkoe Pyatnyshko in breeding show had competed with 5 beautiful Siberian cats. As result, he became the 2nd Best Cat of exhibition. In WCF-ring with expert I.Plepis he became the 6th Best Cat of Exhibition. Photo1, Photo2, Photo3.
February 16, 2008 Zaznoba Sladkoe Pyatnyshko (the owner is Irina Sivachenko, Siberian cats from cattery "BENIRINA") gave its first litter!!! Three girls and two boys! Congratulations to Irina!
January 12, 2008 Tzvetana Sladkoe Pyatnyshko gave birth to three beautiful kittens (female). You can look at the photos here.
November 24th, 2007 Zateynik Sladkoe Pyatnyshko have become the daddy of 9 kittens!!! A birth of such quantity of kids in one litter a great rarity! The kittens have very elegant colors: a black silver marble, a blue silver marble, a black marble, a black spot. We congratulate a breeder Sue Smith and mum of kittens Syberkatz Cecelia of Jyntico (cattery «Jyntico Siberian Cats»)!!! Kittens and mum feels superb! Photo1, Photo2, Photo3.
November 4th, 2007 At the large International Anniversary Exhibition of club " Nederlandse Kattenfokkers Vereniging ", in city Zutphen (Netherlands), Zaznoba Sladkoe Pyatnyshko (the owner is Irina Sivachenko, Siberian cats from cattery "BENIRINA") has received the first title and the first cup! It became the best animals in the color , Best in Variat (BIV), that is very honorable for such large exhibition! Such gift Zaznoba has made to her owner in the birthday, on November, 4th she has become 11 months old. Congratulations! Photo1, Photo2, Photo3, Photo4, Photo5.
October 20-21, 2007 In Irkutsk has passed the World Cat Show - Asia organized by clubs WCF - AKLK "Kotofej", KLK "CAMEO", KLK "East", KLK "BajKis”. Tzvetana Sladkoe Pyatnyshko and Bublik Sladkoe Pyatnyshko (the owner is Natalya Yaranceva) have received the declared titles at experts Anna Rudakova and Moniki Breuer. At this exhibition Tzvetana, in a competition has closed title Grand European Champions WCF and has opened a class of World Champions! The WCF-ring of adult animals was spent by expert O.S.Mironova. Tzvetana Sladkoe Pyatnyshko became the 6-th animal at this exhibition!!! Photo1, Photo2, Photo3, Photo4, Photo5.
June 23-24, 2007 At the international exhibition "Cats and city " in Novosibirsk, organized by Cat Fanciers Club "Royal Dynasty", Tzvetana Sladkoe Pyatnyshko has got the titles CAGCE and nominations on the Best in Show from the experts N.Tatisheva (Moscow) and I. Matiushina (Ekaterinburgh). She has become the “Best of Best II” of the exhibition!!!
Zonusia has got titles of CAGPIB in class of international premiors. Also she has got the nomination on the Best, and became “The Best Premior Cat” of the exhibition! Photo1, Photo2, Photo3, Photo4, Photo5, Photo6
June 16, 2007 Grandsons of Tzvetana Sladkoe Pyatnyshko (kittens of Baloven Sladkoe Pyatnyshko) are growing up. Now they are 4 months old. Kittens (the owner is Elena Nefedova) are good themselves, they are healthy, playful and tender! They have a careful mama Amelia Oniks Gloria. Photo1, Photo2, Photo3, Photo4, Photo5, Photo6, Photo7, Photo8.
Part of the kittens have already left the parental house, others are just waiting for it. We hope, they will have a good future in their new houses!
June 10-11, 2007 In Novosibirsk last International Cat Show "Commonwealth of Siberia", organized clubs "Kotomir" and "Elite". Tzvetana Sladkoe Pyatnyshko and Bublik Sladkoe Pyatnysko (the owner is Natalya Yaranceva) billed to the system WCF. They has confirmed titles of CAGCE and CAGCIB from experts Dyachuk T. and L. Esin. Tzvetana also had got the nomination on Best in Show T. Dyachuk Photo1, Photo2, Photo3, Photo4, Photo5, Photo6.
WCF-ring adult animals conducted J. Gradkowski. Bublik Sladkoe Pyatnysko was 8th in the ring, and Tzvetana Sladkoe Pyatnyshko - 5th animals. Photo1, Photo2.
March 27, 2007 So the time has come and kittens have left our home. Now they live in different parts of world!
Zaznoba Sladkoe Pyatnyshko now lives in Netherlands, in small picturesque town Heesch. Her owner – Irina Sivachenko is a breeder of Siberian cats from cattery «BENIRINA». Zaznoba has already become the favorite of head of the home!
Zateynik Sladkoe Pyatnyshko has done a long and hard way to come to his new home in USA, State Iowa. And now his owner – Sue Smith, a breeder of Siberian cats from cattery «Jyntico Siberian Cats». He has amazed Sue by his kindness. Even the hard way to home haven’t crushed him!
Now kittens habituate their homes and put right their relationships with ‘old-timers’. And I hope that kittens have towards long and happy lives.
March 24-25, 2007 The International cat exhibition “Cats Holidays” took place in Tomsk, and it was organized by Cat Fansiers Club "Olympia". When Tzvetana Sladkoe Pyatnyshko take a rest, her mother Zonusia has got titles of CAGPIB in class of international premiors from experts L.K. Ovchinnikova and P.P. Moorman. Also she had got the nomination on Best in Show. Photo1, Photo2, Photo3, Photo4, Photo5, Photo6.
Bublik Sladkoe Pyatnysko (the owner is Natalya Yaranceva), which was born in our cattery, on this exhibition he became the Champion of the Breed and came to the class of International Champions. The experts were amazed by his beauty! Photo1, Photo2, Photo3, Photo4, Photo5.
February 12, 2007 And Baloven Sladkoe Pyatnyshko, ( owner Alexey Nashchyokin) became the father! Amelia Onix Gloria has given birth five wonderful kitties - first-borns! Photo1, Photo2.
February 2, 2007 Businka Sladkoe Pyatnyshko (owner Valeria Verin, cattery Siberian cats NevasLegend) gave its first litter!!! Four sons and 1 daughter! Valeria Congratulations! Photo1, Photo2, Photo3.
January 29, 2007 Zaznoba Sladkoe Pyatnyshko has chosen the new house and loving hearts for herself. And Zateynik have not defined with a new place for leaving yet. If you fell in love with our boy, but you live far from Tomsk, do not despair! We have the possibility of delivery with support for the Zateynik Sladkoe Pyatnyshko to the Moscow and to the Europe at the end of March.
January 10, 2007 Bublik Sladkoe Pyatnysko (the owner is Natalya Yaranceva) became the father! Rossy has given birth two remarkable kittens. Photo1, Photo2, Photo3.
December 4, 2006 We have born remarkable kittens! Parents: Ch. WCF Marsel of Astera (Far-Eastern breeding line) and Eur.Ch. WCF Tzvetana Sladkoe Pyatnyshko!
Zaznoba Sladkoe Pyatnyshko (0.1), color: n_22_09 (Bicolor: black tabby blotched with white);
Zateynik Sladkoe Pyatnyshko (1.0), color: ns (black smoke).
Registration for kittens is open.
November 18-19, 2006 The International cat exhibition “Autumn ball” took place in Tomsk, and it was organized by Cat Fansiers Club "Olympia". When Tzvetana Sladkoe Pyatnyshko take a rest in expectation of kittens, her mother Zonusia has got titles of CAGPIB in class of international premiors from experts N.V.Tatisheva and O.N.Afanasjeva. Also she had got the nomination on Best, and became “The best castrate cat” of the exhibition. Photo1, Photo2, Photo3.
Bublik Sladkoe Pyatnysko (the owner is Natalya Yaranceva), which was born in our cattery, on this exhibition has got his first titles CAC; also he was nominated on Best, where he has become the “Best of Best IV” of the exhibition and has got his first cup. The experts were amazed by his beauty; he is only 1 year old, after all! Photo1, Photo2, Photo3, Photo4, Photo5, Photo6.
September 16-17, 2006 In Moscow has passed the World Cat’s Show - 2006 organized by clubs WCF - "Alisa-Best" and "Rex-club". There have taken part about 1000 animals! But, the most interesting is that World Cat’s Show - 2006 has gathered 98 cats of the SIBERIAN breed!!! This is a remarkable event!
At this exhibition Tzvetana Sladkoe Pyatnyshko, in a competition closed a title of European Champion WCF, and opened, also in a competition, a class of Grand European Champions WCF! It is very honorable for a young animal to receive such high titles on the World's exhibition! Photo1, Photo2, Photo3, Photo4
June 25, 2006 At the international exhibition "Cats and people " in Novosibirsk, organized by Cat Fanciers Club "Royal Dynasty", Tzvetana Sladkoe Pyatnyshko has received title CACE at expert Jacgues Grognet (Belgium), and a nomination on Best.
May 3, 2006 On the International exhibition FIFe which was held on April 29-30 in Moscow (conducted by the “SuperCats” club), Businka Sladkoe Pyatnyshko (owner Valeria Verina, cattery NevasLegend ) got her first cup! She became the best young Siberian cat on the show of Russian breeds. It is very honorable for the 6-months-old kitten. Photo1, Photo2
May 1, 2006Our Tzvetana Sladkoe Pyatnyshko continued her exhibition career as soon as her kittens have become gown-up. And on April, 30th – May, 1st she visited the exhibition in Petropavlovsk (Kazakhstan). The Clubs-organizers are “Alisa-Best” (Moscow) and “Sozvesdie Drusey”(Tchelabinsk). She has got the titles CACE and nominations on the Best from the experts, namely S.Ponomarova (Moscow) and E.Fedorenko (Ekaterinburgh). Photo1, Photo2, Photo3, Photo4.
January 30, 2006 Kittens have chosen new homes and careful owners.
Baloven Sladkoe Pyatnyshko, color: ns_03. Basansay Sladkoe Pyatnyshko, color: ns_24_03. Bublik Sladkoe Pyatnyshko, color: n_22_03. Businka Sladkoe Pyatnyshko, color: n_22_03.
November 7, 2005 We have born remarkable kittens! Parents: Ch. Marsel of Astera (Far-Eastern breeding line) and Gr. Int. Ch. Tzvetana Sladkoe Pyatnyshko! Registration for kittens is open. Photo
September 15, 2005 Our elder cat Zonusia (Zosja) is sterilized. Operation was over very successfully, thanks to surgeon Anna Kazaruk.
August 20-21, 2005 World-wide exhibition in Kazan. Tzvetana Sladkoe Pyatnyshko get CAGCIB+CACE titles from judges Abramova O. and Hackmann A. and become Grand International Champion. Furthermore on the Show of Siberian Breed Pyata become 6th Siberian cat (2nd Siberian cat-girl). Photo1, Photo2
June 25-26, 2005 International Exhibition "Cats and the City" in Novosibirsk, Cat Fanciers Club "Royal Dynasty". Tzvetana Sladkoe Pyatnyshko get CAGCIB titles from judges Matiushina I. and Suvorova M., and become "Best of Best III". Photo1, Photo2
May 28-29, 2005 International Exhibition "Children and Cats" of Cat Fansiers Club "Olympia". Tzvetana Sladkoe Pyatnyshko get CACIB titles From judges Emeljanova T. S. and Gorinova E. I., and become "Best of Best V". Photo1, Photo2. Our kittens of Int. Ch. Zonusia and Ch. Marsel of Astera become "Best Litter". Photo3